beef wellington i quit

Everybody quits...

July 01, 20241 min read

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi

Everybody Quits…

No, this isn’t an REM-based pun; it’s a hard truth.

I quit.

One belt away from my black belt, I took some time away from training.

That’s right. I didn’t even make it to black belt before quitting.

Do I regret it?

Yes, hugely!

However, I’m here to tell you it’s normal to want to quit.

It's going to be normal for your kids to want to quit.

It's how we approach it that makes the difference.

My mum always meant well, but her “as long as you’re happy” approach has its flaws.

Eating to excess and doing little to no exercise may have ‘made me happy’ at one point, but being an overweight teen with zero social skills or interest in anything definitely didn’t.

I’ve hit many walls in my life and many in my training.

We all have moments when the wall didn’t beat us, so we should remind ourselves of those moments next time we hit another.

If you, or someone you care about, feels like quitting, weigh up what that actually means and how that plays out further down the line.

What we choose to do gets easier.

Tom ‘Move wall, get out the way!’ Beal

P.S. I’ve never met anyone who got their black belt and regretted it. Only adults who did martial arts as kids and wished their parents had kept them at it.

quitting martial arts mirfield

My head chef made this for the owner of the hotel we worked at..I would've given good money to see her face upon receiving it!

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Royds Mill, 20 Calder Rd, Mirfield WF14 8PJ, UK

Do I need any prior experience to join?

No prior experience is necessary. Our classes are open to beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Our instructors provide thorough guidance and support to help you progress regardless of your starting point.

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Do I need any special equipment?

When you get signed up, you'll receive a uniform to wear in class. For your taster class, just something loose fitting will be sufficient. Water is also advised!

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How often should I attend classes to


We recommend two classes each week for most beginners. we do offer other options depending on the class. Reach out for more information.

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Is martial arts suitable for all ages?

Yes, our martial arts classes are suitable for all ages. We have specially designed programs to cater to different age groups, focusing on developing discipline, confidence, and physical fitness in a fun and safe environment.

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What martial art do you practise?

Kickboxing mainly. We do also practise sport karate as well as various elements of other styles, focusing on functional and effective techniques with a self defence focus.

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Can I try before I commit?

Yes, absolutely! You can book a free taster class HERE.

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Contact Us

01924 667789

Royds Mill, 20 Calder Road,

Mirfield, WF14 8PJ