martial arts kid life lesson

Lessons from a young martial artist

June 24, 20243 min read

"True courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to face it head-on and work tirelessly to overcome it." - Unknown

An Important Lesson from a 7-Year-Old

Life often presents us with unexpected lessons, sometimes from the most unlikely sources. Recently, I had a humbling and inspiring experience during one of our sparring sessions that I believe is worth sharing.

The Courage of a Young Boy

During a recent extra sparring session, a young boy joined us for the first time. Throughout the session, it was evident that he was quite frightened. His anxiety was palpable, and I was curious about his story. It wasn't until after the class that I learned the full picture, thanks to a conversation with his mum.

A Mother’s Insight

His mother explained to me, "He is dead set on improving. He was really struggling with sparring and said, 'Mummy, I'm not very good at sparring, so I need to get to those Thursday sessions so that I can do more of it.'"

Her words struck a chord. This young boy's determination to improve despite his fear was a powerful reminder of why we hold these extra sessions. They are not merely for more punching and kicking but to provide everyone with the opportunity to face and overcome their challenges.

Determination and Self-Awareness

At just 7 years old, this boy demonstrated an extraordinary trait: the willingness to confront something difficult head-on and work diligently to get better. It's a trait that many adults, myself included, struggle with at times. His self-awareness and determination were inspiring.

A Lesson for All

He taught me a valuable lesson: If you're not good at something, you don't shy away from it. Instead, you throw yourself into the effort and work hard to improve because if it's important to you, it's worth the effort. This mindset is crucial not just in sparring but in all aspects of life.

Reflecting on the Experience

Reflecting on this experience, I am reminded of the importance of persistence and the courage to face our fears. This young boy's journey is a testament to the power of determination and the impact it can have on our lives.

A Heartfelt Thanks

Thank you, young sir, for this invaluable lesson. Your courage and determination are an inspiration to us all.

martial arts child


In the end, we can all learn something from this young boy's story. Whether it's in sparring or any other area of life, facing our challenges head-on and working to improve is a lesson worth remembering.

1. Why are extra sparring sessions important?

Extra sparring sessions provide individuals with the opportunity to work on their challenges, improve their skills, and build confidence in a supportive environment.

2. How can determination impact personal growth?

Determination drives individuals to overcome obstacles and improve in areas they find challenging, leading to personal growth and development.

3. What can adults learn from children?

Adults can learn a lot from children, including the importance of facing fears, maintaining determination, and continuously working towards self-improvement.

4. How can self-awareness help in personal development?

Self-awareness allows individuals to recognise their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to focus on areas that need improvement and to grow as a person.

5. What is the main takeaway from the story of the 7-year-old boy?

The main takeaway is that facing challenges head-on and working hard to improve, regardless of fear or difficulty, is essential for personal development and success.

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Do I need any prior experience to join?

No prior experience is necessary. Our classes are open to beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Our instructors provide thorough guidance and support to help you progress regardless of your starting point.

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Do I need any special equipment?

When you get signed up, you'll receive a uniform to wear in class. For your taster class, just something loose fitting will be sufficient. Water is also advised!

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How often should I attend classes to


We recommend two classes each week for most beginners. we do offer other options depending on the class. Reach out for more information.

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Is martial arts suitable for all ages?

Yes, our martial arts classes are suitable for all ages. We have specially designed programs to cater to different age groups, focusing on developing discipline, confidence, and physical fitness in a fun and safe environment.

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What martial art do you practise?

Kickboxing mainly. We do also practise sport karate as well as various elements of other styles, focusing on functional and effective techniques with a self defence focus.

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Can I try before I commit?

Yes, absolutely! You can book a free taster class HERE.

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01924 667789

Royds Mill, 20 Calder Road,

Mirfield, WF14 8PJ