Martial Arts Training Improve Overall Physical Fitness in Children?

How Does Martial Arts Training Improve Overall Physical Fitness in Children?

October 15, 20246 min read

How Does Martial Arts Training Improve Overall Physical Fitness in Children?

Remember when you were a kid and it wasn't actually necessary to 'workout' because playing out with your friends for hours after school was enough!?

Racing friends, climbing trees, or just running around with no care in the world?

These days, though, it can be tricky to get kids to be as active—especially with all the screens vying for their attention.

That’s where martial arts comes in.

And no, I’m not talking about the karate chops you see in movies (though that’s always fun).

We’re talking about real, structured training that’s actually an awesome way to get kids moving and improving their overall fitness.

But let’s dive in.

How exactly does martial arts training get children in shape? It might be more than you think!

Cardiovascular Endurance

The energy that children can muster when doing martial arts is amazing (and very envy-inducing)!

That’s where the magic starts for their heart health. Martial arts is essentially a full-body workout in disguise, and let me tell you, those quick movements—whether it’s punching, kicking, or sparring—get the heart racing in no time.

It’s like giving kids the best cardio workout they don’t even realise they’re getting.

Plus, let’s be honest, kids aren’t exactly queuing up to run on treadmills.

So why not give them something that’s fast, fun, and way more exciting?

It’s like upgrading from a slow, predictable family drama to an action-packed Marvel movie. The slow is sometimes needed but so is the high energy for a multitude of reasons!

Strength and Muscle Development

Now, I’ve got a confession. As a kid (and most of my adult life), I never lifted a weight. I just didn't enjoy it.

But martial arts? That’s a whole other ball game. The beauty of martial arts is that children build strength without ever touching a dumbbell.

They use their own bodyweight—think punches, kicks, squats, and push-ups—all the stuff that makes them feel like superheroes.

It’s not just their arms or legs either. Martial arts strengthens all the important muscles: arms, legs, core…you name it.

If you’ve ever watched a child go from barely being able to do a single push-up to confidently executing sets in class, you know what I’m talking about.

It’s like watching a baby bird take flight for the first time.

Beautiful, right?

Flexibility and Range of Motion

Let me tell you a story. There was this kid I knew—let’s call him Jake.

Jake couldn’t even touch his toes without bending his knees.

After a few months of martial arts training, not only could Jake touch his toes, but he was also kicking at head height!

That’s the power of flexibility training in martial arts.

The movements—like those crazy high kicks and stances—gradually increase flexibility in a fun, non-boring way.

Kids don’t even realise they’re stretching.

They’re too focused on the moves, and suddenly… boom!

Their flexibility has improved, and they’re more limber than they’ve ever been.

It's like sneaking green stuff into their dinner—you get all the benefits without the complaints!

Balance and Coordination

Remember when you first learned to ride a bike?

That wobbly feeling before you got the hang of it?

Martial arts helps kids master their balance in a similar way, except instead of a bike, it’s their own body they’re learning to control.

Whether they’re shifting weight for a kick or holding a stance, martial arts makes balance second nature.

I once saw a kid who couldn’t stand on one leg without falling over.

A few months later, she was balancing like a pro while executing high kicks.

It’s like she went from Bambi-on-ice to a ninja warrior.

And the best part?

Better balance and coordination help them in every other sport they try—football, gymnastics, you name it.

Core Stability

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but every martial artist out there seems to have a rock-solid core.

That’s not by accident.

Martial arts is constantly working the core—whether it’s for balance, kicks, or even dodging an opponent.

And it’s not about getting those six-pack abs!

It’s about giving children the core strength they need for everything else they do, from sports to just standing tall.

Kids who practice martial arts naturally develop stronger cores without even thinking about it.

And if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that strong core muscles are the foundation for just about everything else in fitness.

A strong core equals a strong kid.

Improved Reflexes and Agility

Have you ever tried catching a fly with chopsticks?

Neither have I.

But after seeing kids improve their reflexes with martial arts, I wouldn’t be surprised if they could pull it off.

Sparring and other drills keep them on their toes, training them to react quickly to any situation.

Kids who train in martial arts develop lightning-fast reflexes.

And this agility isn’t just useful for martial arts.

It helps them in other sports and in everyday life.

They’re quicker on their feet and more alert, ready to dodge, jump, or move in the blink of an eye.

Weight Management and Body Composition

In today’s world, where kids are often glued to screens, martial arts is a breath of fresh air—literally.

It’s a full-body workout that keeps them active, helping them burn calories and build muscle.

And the best part?

They enjoy it so much they forget they’re exercising.

How many activities can boast that?

Martial arts also helps kids with body composition—building lean muscle while burning fat.

It’s not just about being slim; it’s about being strong and healthy.

So if you’re looking for a way to help your child maintain a healthy weight, martial arts is a winner.

Increasing Stamina and Energy Levels

The first few classes? Yeah, they’ll probably get tired fast.

But give them time.

Before you know it, they’ll be doing techniques, sparring, and running drills without breaking a sweat.

Martial arts gradually builds up stamina, and as their stamina improves, so do their energy levels in everyday life.

You’ll notice it.

They won’t come home as tired, and they’ll have more energy to tackle school, homework, and even help out around the house.

You’re welcome!

Long-Term Physical Fitness Habits

Here’s the thing.

When kids start martial arts, it’s not just about what they achieve in the moment.

It’s about what they’re setting themselves up for.

They’re learning discipline, building a fitness routine, and discovering that physical activity can be fun.

Martial arts has this incredible way of fostering lifelong fitness habits.

When a child realises the strength, endurance, and flexibility they’ve gained from martial arts, they’re much more likely to stick with it—or at least with some form of physical activity.

It’s like giving them a fitness toolkit they can use for life.


So there you have it!

Martial arts isn’t just about learning self-defence or breaking boards. It’s about building a strong foundation of physical fitness in children.

From improved strength and flexibility to lightning-fast reflexes and better balance, martial arts covers it all.

And the best part? Kids love it.

If you’re looking for an engaging way to get your child moving, martial arts is definitely worth a try.

Who knows?

You might just find yourself signing up for a class too!

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Royds Mill, 20 Calder Rd, Mirfield WF14 8PJ, UK

Do I need any prior experience to join?

No prior experience is necessary. Our classes are open to beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Our instructors provide thorough guidance and support to help you progress regardless of your starting point.

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Do I need any special equipment?

When you get signed up, you'll receive a uniform to wear in class. For your taster class, just something loose fitting will be sufficient. Water is also advised!

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How often should I attend classes to


We recommend two classes each week for most beginners. we do offer other options depending on the class. Reach out for more information.

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Is martial arts suitable for all ages?

Yes, our martial arts classes are suitable for all ages. We have specially designed programs to cater to different age groups, focusing on developing discipline, confidence, and physical fitness in a fun and safe environment.

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What martial art do you practise?

Kickboxing mainly. We do also practise sport karate as well as various elements of other styles, focusing on functional and effective techniques with a self defence focus.

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Can I try before I commit?

Yes, absolutely! You can book a free taster class HERE.

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Contact Us

01924 667789

Royds Mill, 20 Calder Road,

Mirfield, WF14 8PJ