Parents Guide: Choosing a martial arts school for your child

“Choosing a martial arts school is not just about learning techniques; it’s about finding a community that supports your journey towards personal growth, discipline, and physical fitness.”​


You might think we’re biased but to be honest, we are happy you’re even considering enrolling your child in martial arts. Whether you choose us or not, we will take it as a win that there’ll be another martial artist starting out on their journey.

choosing your martial arts school mirfield 

With that said, here are three things to consider when choosing a martial arts school:

Are they qualified/experience in teaching martial arts?

They could be a 5 times world champion in martial arts, it doesn’t mean they’re a good instructor, it just means they HAD a good instructor. Has the instructor completed a martial arts instructor programme or have they transitioned from fighter to teacher without any formal training. If it’s the latter, have they done any sort of research, reading or otherwise in to how kids learn? Knowing martial arts isn’t the same as knowing how to teach martial arts. Understanding how children learn and develop at different stages in their martial arts journey, and the barriers some children might face when it comes to education, is vital to be able to create an engaging, flexible, accessible and inclusive martial arts curriculum.

Is my child safe?

It’s all fine and well that they say they’re DBS checked, but is it a basic check or enhanced? Have they had any safeguarding training? Do they have a safeguarding policy? If the answer to the last two are no, then their commitment to instructing children’s martial arts may be questionable. Keeping children safe should be a number one priority. Do they have appropriate insurance for themselves, your child and their venue? If something happens to your child where do you stand, are you covered whatever the eventuality?

Are they the right fit for you and your child?

Are you looking for conformity, harsh discipline and militant authority? Or are you seeking inclusivity, compassionate guidance, and supportive leadership? Essentially are you team Cobra Kai or Miyagi-do? That’s not to say every martial arts school is one or the other, some will combine elements of both, or none of the above. Do their values emulate your own and build on your chosen parenting style, or do they contradict and undermine what you have established so far. You know your child best, and what might work well for them in terms of instruction. It’s helpful to see how your child responds to their teaching styles by taking them along to a trial.

martial arts community mirfield

Are we the right fit for you?

If you’re expecting a dojo that encourages conformity, punishes kids harshly in the name of discipline, and where everything is run with militant authority, or if the phrases “Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.” resonate with you and you think that John Kreese is just misunderstood then we probably aren’t the school you’re looking for.  I’m sure you’ll be able to find a Cobra Kai copycat nearby, but we are more Mr Miyagi than ‘way of the fist’.

Martial Arts teaching strategies you won’t find here.


Discipline – more on this below 👇

Reactive behaviour management

Rigid lesson structures

Authoritarian approach

What do we mean when we say discipline?

Well, what we don’t mean is punishment, your child won’t be punished or humiliated for making a mistake or rebelling. We understand kids test boundaries, that is part and parcel of being an instructor of children of any age.

What we mean by discipline is the commitment to their martial arts journey, engaging in learning and practicing the techniques, as well as embracing our school values.







Checklist for Surveying Martial Arts Schools:

Qualifications and Experience

– Has the instructor completed a martial arts instructor programme?

– If the instructor transitioned from fighter to teacher, have they undertaken any formal training in teaching?

– Has the instructor conducted research or reading on how children learn?

– Does the instructor understand how children develop at different stages in their martial arts journey?

– Can the instructor create an engaging, flexible, accessible, and inclusive martial arts curriculum?

Child Safety

– Is the instructor DBS checked?

– Is it a basic or enhanced DBS check?

– Has the instructor completed any safeguarding training?

– Does the school have a safeguarding policy?

– Does the school have appropriate insurance for the instructor, your child, and the venue?

– Are you clear about where you stand in case something happens to your child?

Fit for You and Your Child

– Are you looking for a school with conformity, harsh discipline, and militant authority?

– Are you seeking a school with inclusivity, compassionate guidance, and supportive leadership?

– Do the school’s values emulate your own and align with your chosen parenting style?

– Do the school’s values contradict or undermine what you have established for your child?

– Have you taken your child to a trial class to see how they respond to the teaching styles?

This checklist aims to ensure that you select a martial arts school that is qualified, safe, and a good fit for both you and your child.